Access Keys:

St. Fintan's BNS, Mountrath, Co. Laois


2023/2024 School Year

20th Mar 2024
Raffle tickets are on sell now in the school 50c each or 3 for €1, prizes include...
20th Mar 2024
The boys can wear their loudest colourful or odd socks tomorrow to support World...
14th Mar 2024
Our winners of our Seachtain na Gaeilge Tráth na gCeist 2024. Comhghairdeachas...
7th Mar 2024
The boys in 5th and 6th had a great time at the FAI soccer blitz in Killeshin, yesterday. ...
7th Mar 2024
Mrs Collison’s boys practising for the Ceili 
6th Mar 2024
Our 5th and 6th class boys did a fantastic job representing our school at the annual...
5th Mar 2024
We made a visit to the library this week and selected a book each
5th Mar 2024
Ms Ryan's Boys started off the 1st day of Spring with a bang- Spring walk, hot chocolate ...